
Trail Crew 2023 – Every Sunday, April 16 through November 26

Sleeping Giant State Park - Main Parking 200 Mt. Carmel Avenue, Hamden

The Trail Crew always welcomes new members! Join us for a morning of volunteering to help keep the trails in tip-top shape. Volunteers meet in the parking lot at 9:30 […]

Invasive Plant Removal Workday

Sleeping Giant State Park - Main Parking 200 Mt. Carmel Avenue, Hamden

SGPA's Environmental Stewardship Committee helps to steward the park by removing invasive, non-native species (learn more, HERE). You can lend a hand to this important effort by joining as a volunteer. Projects will vary by week, but generally include pulling, cutting, and otherwise removing invasive plants from around the park. If you'd like to join, […]