Interpretive Guides
Ever wondered why there are numbers painted on rocks along some of the trails? Sleeping Giant Park Association has developed two interpretive, educational guides for visitors to use on their hike. Whether a first time visitor or a Giant Master, there is always something new to learn about the Giant.

The Geology Guide provides interested hikers with an easy and enjoyable means of gaining a better understanding of and appreciation for the many and varied geological features within the Park. Following a brief overview of the Park’s geological history, the guide is largely a trail-by-trail description of individually numbered stations. Stations are not limited to one trail, so the guide can accompany hikers visiting every corner of the park.


The 1.5-mile Nature Trail forms a loop from the parking lot kiosk and is marked with “pine tree” blazes. Its 40 stops/stations are identified with numbers painted on rocks and trees, and correspond to the numbered sections of the Nature Trail Guide. This hour’s walk, with just one moderate uphill climb, is great for children and adults alike. The stations highlight some of the many natural features along the trail, including geology, tree identification, invasive species, forest succession, and more.


For decades, experts have volunteered their time to help catalog the flora and fauna found on the Sleeping Giant. SGPA maintains a spreadsheet of observed species in each taxonomic group, and continues to add species as they are observed and identified. Click the button below to view this species database. If you are interested in helping to add to this list, record your species observation using the iNaturalist citizen science app. If confirmed, SGPA will add new species to our lists.